Welcome Home
F.E.C. is the place to Elevate your Faith and Expel your Fears.
Start your week with a refreshing encounter with the person of Jesus Christ.
Let the Lord minister to you and your situation, through the preaching of the Word and immersive praise and worship.
Our only and burning passion is to build the church and the kingdom of God on earth, and see the people of our day-to-day being freed to fulfill their purpose and calling. We believe in people – we believe in their potential and also in their incredible ability to influence the world for God.
Come Grow With Us In Faith!
Apostle Joel & Prophetess Shaletha Sanders
One of the best ways to meet people, develop relationships, and grow as a follower of Christ is to serve the local church. God has given each of us unique gifts and skills. There are many opportunities to serve at FEC. We want you to find the one area that best suits your passion, your skills, and your schedule.
Faith Empowerment Center is a church that believes in Jesus, is kingdom-driven and empowers people.
Overwhelmed by the gift of salvation we have found in Jesus, we have a heart for authentic worship, are passionate about the local church, and we are on a mission to see God’s kingdom established
across the earth.